Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale
The Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale is the only public sector research organization in France exclusively dedicated to human health. Inserm has a budget of M€998 and employs 15,000 scientists, engineers and technicians all with one shared objective: promoting health by advancing knowledge about living organisms and their diseases, developing innovative treatment modalities and conducting research on public health.
Dr Vincent Prévot, coordinator of the project, is the Director of the Development & Plasticity of the Neuroendocrine Brain team, since 2004 and Co-Director of the International Associated Laboratory. Dr Prévot is an active member of several executive committees & advisory boards and he currently holds the position of President-Elect of the International Neuroendocrine Federation and President of the SVS-3 Scientific Commission of the FNRS. He is now a Founding member and President Elect of the European Center of Excellence in Reproductive, which aims at maintaining the former COST network active via the yearly organisation of a Meeting in Prato, Italy. Finally, in 2018, Vincent Prévot has been the laureate of the European Union ERC Synergy Grant WATCH of which he is the corresponding PI.

Vincent Prévot
Research team
- Dr Konstantina Chachlaki, Scientific coordinator of miniNO
- Prof Pierre-Yves Ancel
- WP1: Neuroendocrine programming of early postnatal brain development
- WP3: Association of NO/sildenafil treatment after preterm birth with long term mental or non-mental comorbidities
- WP4: Impact of genetic, epigenetic and socio-economic factors on comorbidities of prematurity
- WP5: Preclinical validation of predictive biomarkers and development of new approaches diagnosis and prevention
- WP6: Coordination and Management
- WP7: Dissemination, communication & exploitation activities
- WP8: Ethics requirements

The University hospital of Lille (CHU Lille) is a bench-mark university hospital for primary care, teaching, innovation and research, serving the six million inhabitants of the North of France region (les Hauts-de-France). At the heart of Europe, its vocation is to innovate and treat serious pathologies requiring state-of-the-art medico-technical platforms, multidisciplinary care or specialized medical expertise. It is located on a unique campus gathering 15 University Hospital centres, employing 15,935 people including 3,626 practising or junior doctors. There are more than 720,000 consultations per year (2,770/day), for more than 228,000 stays per year (880/day).
The team leader, Prof. Laurent Storme is Coordinator of the Department of Neonatology (62 beds with 16 beds for Neonatal Intensive Care). He is Professor of Pediatrics at the Lille University Hospital and at the University of Lille. He is Coordinator of the Department of Neonatology, Director of the research Unit EA4489, Perinatal Environment and Health, and Director of the Federative Institute “1000 days for Health”. He is also Coordinator of the Clinical Investigation Network in Neonatology within the North-West area of France; Coordinator of the teaching in Neonatology within the North-West area of France; Director of the National Center for Rare Disease “Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia”. His main fields of Research are currently dedicated to the late impact of the perinatal environment.

Laurent Storme
Research team
- Pr Laurent Storme
- Pr Renaud Jardri
- WP2: Association between premature birth and its comorbidities with NO and the HPG activation at minipuberty
- WP3: Association of NO/sildenafil treatment after preterm birth with long term mental or non-mental comorbidities
- WP4: Impact of genetic, epigenetic and socio-economic factors on comorbidities of prematurity
- WP7: Dissemination, communication & exploitation activities

The Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), in Lausanne, is one of the five university hospitals in Switzerland. The CHUV’s medical services benefit over 45,000 patients a year. Almost 3000 babies are born every year in the obstetrics department. Approximately 9000 employees work at the CHUV. The university hospital acts as a general university hospital for people living in the Lausanne area, covering all areas of medical treatment. It also serves as a hospital offering acute and specialist care for the whole Canton of Vaud and parts of French-speaking Switzerland. In 2019, the university hospital was rated as the leading hospital in Switzerland and 9th best hospital in the world by Newsweek Magazine.
The team leader, Prof. Nelly Pitteloud, is a translational researcher focused on the neuroendocrine control of human reproduction and the links between metabolism and reproduction. She has published several seminal manuscripts on the genetics of CHH and the detailed physiological studies on pubertal development and minipuberty. Pr Nelly Pitteloud was the chair of the COST action BM1105 on “GnRH deficiency: elucidation of the neuroendocrine control of reproduction”.

Federico Santoni
Research team
- Dr.Nicolas Niederländer
- Dr. Andrea Messina
- Mr. James Acierno
- Dr. Federico Santoni
- WP2: Association between premature birth and its comorbidities with NO and the HPG activation at minipuberty
- WP4: Impact of genetic, epigenetic and socio-economic factors on comorbidities of prematurity
- WP6: Coordination and Management
- WP7: Dissemination, communication & exploitation activities

Inserm Transfert SA
Founded in 2000, Inserm Transfert SA is the private subsidiary of the French National Institute of the Health and Medical Research (Inserm), dedicated to technology transfer (from invention disclosure to industrial partnership). Inserm Transfert runs a comprehensive set of technology transfer activities from classical value chain activities to unique solutions. The collaborative research funding department of Inserm Transfert is currently managing 29 collaborative projects in the field of life sciences and health, funded by European (Horizon 2020) and national (Investissements d’avenir) programmes. In 2018, the project managers of the department have supported the submission of 36 proposals in response to EU and national calls for projects. Having faced and solved many issues raised by the European cooperation in medical research, the team can anticipate and address quickly any kind of questions emerging in collaborative research programs.

Delphine Smagghe
Research team
- Delphine Smagghe
- Marie Hauduroy
- Matthieu Collin
- WP6: Coordination and Management
- WP7: Dissemination, communication & exploitation activities

Queen Mary University of London
As part of Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry and Queen Mary University of London the William Harvey Research Institute is one of the largest multidisciplinary pharmacological institutes in Europe with over 530 clinicians and scientists from 45 countries. Our innovative research environment and close collaboration with Barts Health NHS Trust and healthcare partners across East London gives us a unique opportunity to translate and extend basic and clinical research into therapeutics that benefit the local community and beyond. The team leader, Prof. Leo Dunkel, is a Professor of Paediatric Endocrinology, Lead in the Centre for Endocrinology, Barts Health, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary, University of London.

Leo Dunkel
Research team
- Leo Dunkel
- Sasha Howard
- WP4: Impact of genetic, epigenetic and socio-economic factors on comorbidities of prematurity
- WP7: Dissemination, communication & exploitation activities

University of Lille
The University of Lille has been officially created on January 1st, 2018, as a result of the common desire of the three universities of Lille to build a leading European university, recognized worldwide for its research, the excellence of its education and its innovative lifelong training. The ULille is a multidisciplinary university, covering 4 training areas: Sciences and Technologies; Life Sciences and Health; Arts, Literature, Languages, Human and Social Sciences; Law, Economics and Management. Research plays an essential role at ULille, which enjoys strong ties with leading bodies such as CNRS, INSERM, INRIA, Pasteur Lille and Lille University Hospital. The ULille policies aim to reinforce the inter-disciplinary research, in line with major social issues, knowledge transfer and public-private partnership. The team leader, Prof Philippe Froguel, is head of the UMR8199 unitand has pioneered in the genetics of diabetes and obesity (both monogenic and polygenic forms). He has established in Lille a large DNA and phenotypic database including >20,000 samples. His CNRS UMR8199 unit comprises the only French Equipment of Excellence focused on the next-generation sequencing of human genome.

Amélie Bonnefond
Research team
- Dr Amélie Bonnefond
- WP2: Association between premature birth and its comorbidities with NO and the HPG activation at minipuberty
- WP4: Impact of genetic, epigenetic and socio-economic factors on comorbidities of prematurity
- WP7: Dissemination, communication & exploitation activities

Université de Genève
Founded in 1559 by Jean Calvin, the University of Geneva (UNIGE) is dedicated to teaching, research and dialogue with society. With more than 17’000 students of some 150 different nationalities, it is Switzerland’s second largest university. UNIGE offers more than 500 programmes (including 136 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, 87 doctoral programmes) and 343 continuing education programmes covering an extremely wide variety of fields: exact sciences, medicine, humanities, social sciences, law, etc.
The team leader, Alan Carleton, is a tenured associate professor at the medical Faculty of the University of Geneva.

Alan Carleton
Research team
- Alan Carleton
- WP1: Neuroendocrine programming of early postnatal brain development
- WP7: Dissemination, communication & exploitation activities

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
The Children’s Hospitals Campus at Goudi is a modern, clinical and research center and one of the largest in Europe (1400 beds, >200,000 outpatients visits and >60,000 admissions per year). It serves as the major tertiary hub for sick Greek, immigrant and foreign children and adolescents. It has two Research Institutes and serves as the Unique Center of Excellence for many Rare Diseases, including childhood cancer, while it performs the Newborn Screening of the country. It has four NKUA depts. (2 Pediatrics, Genetics, Child Psychiatry).
The team leader, Dr Chrousos George, Professor of Pediatrics and Endocrinology, Director of University Research Institute for the Study and Management of Genetic and Neoplastic Diseases of Childhood, NKUA. He currently holds the UNESCO Chair on Adolescent Health Care at the University of Athens. He held the 2011 John Kluge Distinguished Chair in Technology and Society at the US Library of Congress in Washington DC. He has performed biomedical research from the basic molecular/cellular level all the way to the diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases. His work has opened new horizons in our understanding of a spectrum of complex human disorders related to stress and trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder, melancholic, atypical and postpartum depression, eating disorders, obesity/osteosarcopenia/metabolic syndrome, psychosomatic and sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnoea, and inflammatory/autoimmune and allergic diseases.

George Chrousos
Research team
- Dr Siahanidou Soultana
- Dr Koniari Eleni
- WP2: Association between premature birth and its comorbidities with NO and the HPG activation at minipuberty
- WP4: Impact of genetic, epigenetic and socio-economic factors on comorbidities of prematurity
- WP6: Coordination and Management
- WP7: Dissemination, communication & exploitation activities

Universitaet zu Luebeck
The Department of Paediatrics at the University of Lübeck is the coordinating study center of the German Neonatal Network (GNN) a large cohort study of preterm infants which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany. The GNN has already enroled more than 19000 premature infants with a birth weight below 1500 grams and has 5 year follow up completed in more than 2500 of these infants. The team leader, Prof. Wolfgang Göpel, is a consultant in Neonatology and Paediatric Intensive Care, Department of Paediatrics, University of Lübeck. He is also the Founder of the German Neonatal Network.

Wolfgang Göepel
Research team
- Prof. Wolfgang Göepel
- WP3: Association of NO/sildenafil treatment after preterm birth with long term mental or non-mental comorbidities
- WP7: Dissemination, communication & exploitation activities

Universitaetsklinikum Wurzburg – Klinikum Der Bayerischen Julius-Maximilians-Universitat
The Department of Pediatrics at the University Hospital of Würzburg belongs to the oldest pediatric hospitals worldwide and has continuously grown during the last 170 years. The research program spans across a wide range of acute and chronic diseases with origin in childhood, including basic and translational science in host-microbiome interaction, infectious diseases as well as neurological and psychosocial development of preterm born children with specific emphasis on risk and resilience factors. There is a close cooperation with the German Neonatal Network and other European databases of preterm born individuals in France, Great Britain and Finland.

Juliane Spiegler
Research team
- Priv. Doz. Juliane Spiegler
- Prof. Christoph Härtel
- WP3: Association of NO/sildenafil treatment after preterm birth with long term mental or non-mental comorbidities
- WP6: Coordination and Management
- WP7: Dissemination, communication & exploitation activities

ALITHEA Genomics
Alithea Genomics is a Swiss biotech company founded in 2020 as an EPFL University spin-off based on a ground-breaking technology for massively multiplexed transcriptomics. Since then, it has evolved in an established RNA sequencing solution provider, supporting pharma, biotech and clinical researchers in R&D efforts related to:
- RNA biomarker discovery
- Drug discovery and screening
- Academic research
- Plant Biology

Riccardo Dainese
Research team
- Riccardo Dainese (PhD)
- Daniel Alpern (PhD)
- Marine Vallez (MSc)
- WP5: Preclinical validation of predictive biomarkers and development of new approaches diagnosis and prevention
- WP6: Coordination and Management
- WP7: Dissemination, communication & exploitation activities